Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello there, I have started a little journal on my journey to my Forever Home. These nice people from an organization called SEGA came to pick me up in a city in GA called Macon. There were 2 other greyhounds which these nice people called "pups" with me in this big car. A lady sitting with us was nice, talked to me, patted me and told me everything will be "OK". I wasn't sure if that was the truth but after we stopped at the SEGA kennel I figured out it was. I got a really nice bath, nice blanket to sleep on, the food was great and I was so happy to be walked!

Well, time has passed and the same nice people who picked me up from Macon picked me up again, the same nice lady did all the same nice things and said that everything is going to be "OK". Love pats so I got more, love walks so I got more. The big car smelled somewhat the same but with more smells than before. They drove me to a place called a "house". I was a little unsure of myself, there were new things I had to learn about and do such as; walking up and down stairs, learning what a toy is and does and there were these creatures called "children" I would get pats from on my walks in the neighborhood. Other creatures I saw for the first time were "cats" and dogs I think called "yorkie I think terriers and boxers", strange I just know them as dogs. The nice people are called the Clarks and I am so happy I found out I have 2 foster sisters and 1 foster brother just like me! My foster sister Whitney told me to watch what she does and "follow" my lead and you'll be just fine. I love going on walks with her and Mrs. Clark and their son Tyler. My other foster sister sleeps in Tyler's room and I have to make sure she gets her favorite bed to sleep in so I know which bed I use. My foster brother doesn't like cats, I really don't know what his problem is. Oh, well.

I am really proud of myself, I have learned so much and love to collect and play with my toys. I'm always hearing from the Clarks what a "good girl" I am. Whitney and my foster brother Ollie let me play with all their toys, they have been taught to share. This week I heard the Clarks say that I am going to a dog park with my foster sisters and brother. They also always talk about how "sweet I am", I know they don't mean in the food sort of way, other things I hear is that coat is so soft, shinny black and Mr. Clark says I have the best teeth he's seen ever! He's a little strange talking about my teeth but if it helps to find the right family and Forever Home I will say I have great teeth! Whitney keeps telling me that I will have a family all of my own and what that means to me because I could really stay here! She tells me I would get more attention, wouldn't have to share so many toys and extra pats and maybe if someone was OK with it cuddling up on a bed or coach. I know people may not like that but I wouldn't mind one way or the other. Next week I'll let you know how the dog park worked out. I hope you are liking my journal. I'm so happy starting a new chapter in my life, especially with my foster family.

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